Thursday, April 28, 2011


This is going to be a short post today because I really don’t have much to comment on about this topic. That topic is, of course, The Royal Wedding. Unless you have been living under a rock in North Korea, you have probably heard a thing or two about the "Most Important Wedding of the Century." Apparently it is still a big deal for the figurehead of an antiquated form of tyrannical monarchy to marry a regular person of the unwashed masses. So much of a big deal, in fact, that 2 billion around the world are expected to watch the event live on television. News stations here in the US have been going on and on about this wedding for literally weeks. And I'm not just talking about the 24 hour news networks. Just this morning I was watching the local morning news about the horrifying tornadoes that have ravaged the southern part of the US only to be followed up by live coverage of the Royal Wedding rehearsal ceremonies in London. "Well there's not much to see right now Tom, but we're hoping to get a shot or 2 of the changing of the guard which we'll be bring to you live at the top of the hour."

My only questions is this...Why? Why does anybody outside of the Royal Family, let alone entire countries around the world, even care? I’m not trying to be rude or insensitive or anything like that. By all means, I wish the future couple only the best of luck in life and love. But why do so many other people care about this event? I asked a couple of women about this and they all gave me more or less the same response: "Every girl dreams of being a princess." Ok, I get that. I would love to be King. Who wouldn’t? But that is not what is happening here. This guy Prince William is a prince IN NAME ONLY. He wields no authority over any aspect of the people of England save for celebrity status slightly higher than that of the Kardashians. It literally makes no sense to me why everyone is treating this thing like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Oh well, I doubt I'll ever understand it. I just want this wedding to be done and over with so we can get back to real coverage that matters, like who Randy thinks will win American Idol and the buildup towards Oprah’s final episode.


m1ke said...

Are the comments working?

Curtis said...


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