Monday, November 3, 2008

Future m1ke

Lately, I have been putting off a wide variety of tasks and assigning them to Future m1ke. Normally this works out well with Future m1ke generally taking care of business which little to no repercussions for me. He has long been one of my absolute BFF's by unselfishly lightening the very heavy load that is my life.

However, I am starting to get the feeling that Future m1ke has been sleeping around on me. Case in point: I purchased a few bar stool one day while at the Home Depot, which was lovely. Not wanting to burden Future m1ke too heavily, I put one of the stools together myself leaving the other for him. It has now been over 4 months and yet the box containing the stool remains unopened.

My only theory is that Future m1ke has been hanging out with Future Future m1ke. If this is true, steps will need to be taken to ensure that the two of them never end up together. This plan will probably include drinking less...


Unknown said...

Future mike also won't barf wine.

m1ke said...

This is true since I will no longer drink wine while playing drinking games.

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