Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Historical tweets

You probably read recently about an effort that is underway to archive and categorize the entirety of the twitterverse in the freaking Library of Congress. That’s right, the place where some of the most important documents in this country’s history reside will now also contain your melodrama about the time you couldn’t decide on what pair of pants to wear out of the house on laundry day. For a little bit of perspective on what this all will mean to future alien civilizations, I’ve gone back in time, along with twitter, and compiled some of the more interesting tweets from the past. Enjoy.

February 22, 1732: @GWashMeATon writes: Woke up this morning and the cherry tree was gone….I must have been SO wasted! BEST. NIGHT. EVAR.

July 12, 1750: @TheRealFranklin writes: Either I am really baked or I just invented electricity. LOL either way, I’m flying a kite in a lightning storm!

July 12, 1750: @ThomasEdisonGramp writes: Suck it, @TheRealFranklin!

July 4, 1776: @JeffersonROX: LOL, shit is getting real around here. Just signed a declaration of independance and told @KingGeorge to EABOD!!!!!1!

July 5, 1776: @NewUSCitizen writes: RT: @FreedomRULEZ We are now our own country! Bring on the reality TV and bacon double cheeseburgers!!!!!!!!

July 5, 1776: @WetBlanket writes: TV hasn’t been invented yet @NewUSCitizen, HURRRRR.

July 6, 1776: @JonHandontheCawk writes: Check out mah blog about our new country yall: http://newcountry.mayflowerblogs.com. It's teh BEES KNEES!

April 10 1782: @MalfunctioningEddy writes: I’m going crazy and slashing prices on my entire inventory of wagons. Hit the Oregon Trail in style by coming out to see us today!

August 31, 1803: @LewisAndClark writes: Spirits are high as we begin our expedition. Here’s hoping I brought enough pairs of pants LOL.

So there you have it, Tweets from the past. I do realize that I missed some tweets from some rather important historical events. But in my defense, I was out getting hammered with Jefferson and Franklin for the better part of my trip back in time. Boy did the food suck back then….no burritos or pizza rolls or anything.

I was a little leery at first of the idea to archive all that is Twitter. However, after my journey to the past, I can see now why this will not only be a great way to see what life was like back in the day to future generations, it will also help us to remember all the lolz we had in our own time. We will also be forced to look back and wonder why Justin Bieber was the top trending topic for a full 2 years…..

Ok, maybe it isn’t such a good idea after all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol, you tagged just beiber.

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