Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lotta bout living and a little bout love

So last night, I went to the Rodeo. Now, for all you non-southerners, the Rodeo is an event where everyone in the city forgets that they are lving in the 21st century, dresses up like they are in the old west and watches a bunch of folks who really are living in the past wrestle with a bunch of wild animals. Truly a unique event that everyone should eventually make time to attend once in their lives.

The events are pretty much what you might expect: Bull riding, Barrel Racing, Calf Wrestling and Wagon Racing. One of my favorite events has always been the Calf Scramble where a bunch of middle school aged kids run around after calves in the hopes of tieing one up so that it may raise it and eventually make some serious cash off it.

This year had a new event, however, that instantly becamse my new favorite: Sheep Riding. This event features kids, who were almost certainly promised candy, who are placed on top of a sheep and then let go of. The goal is to stay on the sheep as long as possible, a la bull riding. And when I say kids, I am talking about 4 year olds here. These poor kids had the look of sheer terror in their eyes prior to being let go of and watching them fall straight on their asses was nothing short of the most brilliant entertainment I had ever seen. For all of you saying "that's so horrible!!", pipe down, all the kids got trophys, ok?

The festivites were capped off by a performance by Alan Jackson and then we went outside to go check out the carnival. While pretty standard by carnival standards, it did feature what appeared to be a ski lift type ride. I wanted to ride the thing that trows you up against a wall while spinning violently but no one else felt like throwing up. So we ate our fried oreos and went home.

And if you think I am making up the stuff about the Sheep Riding, be my guest to look it up on YouTube for some pretty epic lolz.


Unknown said...

This entry was rife with grammatical & spelling errors. One time someone said that to me on a rough draft and it really fucking pissed me off.

I love carnivals.

Jackie said...

man, i was going to go to the rodeo with some coworkers last night...sounds like i totally missed out.

i swear, they will fry anything these days...sick.

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