Monday, December 1, 2008


No, I'm not trying to cyb0r with you. Today is "Cyber Monday", a term the media has coined as the day that people do tons of holiday related shopping online a la black friday style. I have a few issues with this whole idea mainly due to the fact the advertisers have shoved yet another meaningless word into my already robust vocabulary.

I just feel that there are enough BUY MORE SHIT RIGHT NOW days. We, as Americans, do not need to be told to get out and shop. We are going to do it, we promise! There is no need to create another day specifically to remind people to get out and buy more crap they don't really need. I mean, what am I going to do with another $24 egg beater or a new dinette set?

I sort of lost my train of thought. I got side tracked while wikipediaing the origins of this "holiday." I started at Black Friday and finished up at the war of 1812 before realizing that I was supposed to be blogging. My point was this, it's a dumb name for a stupid day.

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