Friday, December 26, 2008

I haz a Robot

I got an iRobot Roomba 400 for Christmas this year. The idea is that I would use this device to actually clean my apartment for me since I usually have such a hard time doing so due to pure laziness. So I was super excited to test thing thing out.

After charging the thing for a couple hours while I watched the Law and Order marathon on TNT, I took the roomba over to my place to see what it was capable of. I pressed the button to make it start and, low and behold, the thing started cleaning my floor. I was able to sit back and drink a beer while thing thing took care of the place for me. It ran for nearly 45 minutes before I got tired of its noise and turned it off. I was pleasantly surprised that it had picked up as much debris as it had, especially since I had vacuumed for real only about a month ago.

My only real complaints about it is the noise it makes, which can get a bit annoying. I would also recommend to someone getting one of these things to pick up all loose wires from the floor as it can get stuck on them.

All in all, I am very impressed. The roomba must have covered every inch of my apartment 3 or 4 times before he got tired. Apparently there is even a way to modify the software, if you are so inclined, to make it do more specific cleaning.

I will be storing my rooma with the battery out, however. I don't want it strangling me in the middle of the night while I sleep while it then proceeds to assume my identity. If you have seen Terminator, you know what I am talking about. The rise of the roombas will not occur on my watch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i clicked on your fucking ads.

i want a roomba! i wonder how the animals would react though.


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