Friday, January 9, 2009

A different idea

I was talking with a co-worker today and he informed me that we should stop stocking the refrigerator at work with bottled water because it is destroying the planet. I asked him why and he responded by saying that since we don't recycle the bottles, they end up in landfills where they will remain forever.

Now don't get me wrong, I am pro-planet. Hell, I live here so I kind of have to be. And I'm not even against recycling! If the opportunity presents itself, I gladly toss all my recyclable stuff into the bin. Nay, the problem I had with his point is that landfills aren't as bad as people make them out to be!

First of all, once a landfill is full, cool stuff such as parks and other recreational stuff get built on top of them. In a way, we are giving back to nature! Secondly, I strongly oppose the idea that an item remaining in once place for the rest of time is a bad idea. I mean, hello people! Where do you think that plastic in my bottle came from anyway? I'll take things that come from the earth for $100 Alex. In a way, we are just returning it from whence it came. Putting it back in its home, if you will.

If you can believe it, there is even a third added benefit to having landfills! Those of us lucky enough to survive the zombie apocalypse after the LHC is turned on will have a veritable treasure trove of goodies to sustain us. And really, who doesn't want to rummage through garbage when they are the last person on earth?


Unknown said...

Uh. I don't. thanks though :)

I'd prefer to rummage through clean things.

BDGR said...

this is a little misinformed, but definitely funny. :P

we shouldn't drink water out of bottles not entirely because of the waste it makes (though it is a huge reason, certainly) but also because they are technically not re-useable--a colorless substance used to make plastic more flexible eventually seeps into the water as the bottle ages giving it an undesirable "stale" taste, & after a while this will contaminate the water you put into it every time. making water bottles also use up fossil fuels & other energy resources that frankly would be better used elsewhere.

i think the thing that will appeal to YOU most mike is the fact that ultimately, buying bottled water is a huuuuge waste of $$$. you're essentially paying $1.00 or more for a product that costs $.01 to make. & on that vein, your tax dollars go into improving our nation's tap water filtering systems. we're fortunate enough to live in a country with some of the cleanest tap water in the world!

bottled water is just a small part of an overwhelmingly huge problem, especially here in america. my question for you is: when we've made all the trash mountain playgrounds that can be made, where will the trash go next?

check this out...
it's a pretty hip approach to environmental journalism (made by vice, so it's gotta be!), & decently amusing between the serious parts... you should watch it!

i know you were just trying to be funny (successfully so!), but this is an ecological disaster that is largely to due with plastic waste... & i'd just feel silly if i didn't say something. :) we're all guilty of shrugging it aside, but the more intelligent humans informed, the better off we'll all be. get informed! use your brain for good!

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